Resident Involvement Toolkit Issue 1 | Page 6

Success, Satisfaction and Scrutiny: the Resident Engagement Toolkit Laying the foundations zz zz zz zz zz Agree your reasons for involving residents What do you want to get out of resident involvement? What value will it add over a system where priorities and performance management are determined largely by staff? It’s important to ask these questions right at the very start…and agree upon the answers. Increased resident satisfaction Financial savings Fewer and more quickly resolved complaints Improved relationships Compliance with the HCA’s regulatory framework. Historically, providers haven’t been especially good at this. The likes of the Audit Commission and Housemark have even criticised some for seeing involvement as an end in itself. But the evidence we’ve uncovered should mean providers can identify these links more readily. Start by considering how involvement fits with your cooperate objectives. ‘Success, Satisfaction and Scrutiny’ identifies many potential links including: Case study one: Becoming an ‘outwards-facing’ organisation For us involving residents was originally about becoming a more customer-focused organisation. In 2007 we were placed into regulatory supervision. Focusing on integrating and standardising seven subsidiary housing associations meant we were neglecting residents’ opinions. Our Resident Governance Structure (see page 24) was in place shortly afterwards and remains the centrepiece of our involvement offer. Now resident involvement underpins our strategy to be the best performing large landlord in the UK (see page 8). Residents are integral to priority setting and identifying performance improvements. Involving residents is also the way we match production to consumption. It helps us allocate resources efficiently and make savings without compromising satisfaction. Our new board and Strategic Executive Team appointed in 2009 recognised we needed to be an outwards rather than inwards facing organisation. And the key to achieving this in their eyes was to place residents at the heart of everything we do. 6