Reports- Tourniquet Market

Global Tourniquet Market by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2021 No of Pages – 113 Publishing Date - December 1, 2016 Browse detailed TOC, Tables, Figures, Charts in Global Tourniquet Market by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2021 at - A tourniquet is a constricting or compressing device, specifically a bandage, used to control venous and arterial circulation to an extremity for a period of time. Pressure is applied circumferentially upon the skin and underlying tissues of a limb; this pressure is transferred to the walls of vessels, causing them to become temporarily occluded. It is generally used as a tool for a medical professional in applications such as cannulation or to stem the flow of traumatic bleeding. Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Tourniquet in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application. Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers BD 3M Fisher Scientific Covidien Zimmer Medline Cardinal Health Paul Hartmann Alimed Avcor Health Care Tetra Medical Supply Corp JIEAN KeHua Yancheng Senolo Medical Xingtong Biotechnology JSYH Medical Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) South America, Middle East and Africa