Report to the Church 2015 | Page 180

18 0 health care chaplains of The Episcopal Church. In certifying health care chaplains for the Association of Professional Chaplains and other accrediting agencies, our office works on behalf of diocesan bishops, ensuring that the chaplains are in good standing in the diocese, have completed sexual misconduct training and have been commissioned by the diocese or parish as a chaplain.) • United Thank Offering Grant: St. John’s Chapel, Charleston, $15,000 SOUTH DAKOTA • “Advocacy to Challenge Domestic Poverty” conference for bishops and young adults, in partnership with Bishops Working for a Just World and with the resources of a Constable Fund grant; included participants from the Dioceses of Connecticut, Dallas, Eastern Michigan, Michigan, Minnesota, Navajoland Area Mission, North Carolina, Olympia, Rochester, San Diego, South Dakota, Upper South Carolina, Washington, and Western Massachusetts. • Block grants, $1,400,000 • Collaborative work with the Young Adult Ministries Missioner to bring a delegation of young adults from across The Episcopal Church to Taize in Red Shirt, South Dakota • Indigenous Theological Training Grants: Bishops’ Native Collaborative, for use in Alaska, Montana, Navajoland, North Dakota, South Dakota, $160,100 • Mission Enterprise Zone grant: Holy Apostles Episcopal Sudanese Church, Diocese of South Dakota, $20,000 • Mission Enterprise Zone grant: Indigenous Ministry Development through the Bishops’ Native Collaborative, Dioceses of Alaska/ Montana/Navajoland/North Dakota/South Dakota, $60,000 • New Opportunities Grant: Mending Broken Hearts: Healing from Unresolved Grief