Reloaded Mag Africa Volume 21 | Page 11

Perhaps I have too much time on my hands, but you have to admit, it would be interesting to know what made him so smart? I bet you his diet had a lot to do with it. Food is medicine. I firmly believe that. It not only fuels our body, but also our minds. Are you eating the foods that will enhance cognitive performance, or hinder it?

There are many natural ways to boost cognitive performance, but I am going to focus on the top foods, herbs and natural supplements that will supercharge your mind and have your family and friends calling you Einstein, in no time.

5 Brain-Boosting Foods, Herbs & Supplements You Should Be Using


Let’s face it-we are getting older every day. As we get older, we have less blood flow to certain parts of the brain. Behold the beet!!! Drinking beet juice restores blood flow to the parts of the brain that are compromised when we get older, improving cognitive function. For those of you who have juicers, this brain-boosting ingredient should be in every glass. If not, stop by a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s and pick yourself up a bottle of beet juice. Your brain will thank you.


Recent studies show that the powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals in blueberries may improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that blueberries protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. British scientists who made the discovery believe the antioxidants in blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain – and keep the mind fresh for up to 5 hours later. Sprinkle them over your salad or buy organic frozen blueberries and add them into your morning smoothie.


Have you ever looked at the shape of a walnut? What does it remind you of? That’s right, a brain. How clever is that? It is shaped like a brain and it helps to enhance your brain function. Walnuts are the only nut source that contain ALA ( alpha-linolenic acid), which helps to promote blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to your brain. Walnuts help to improve memory, learning, and motor skill coordination. So grab a handful and get crackin’.


Have you ever looked at the shape of a walnut? What does it remind you of? That’s right, a brain. How clever is that? It is shaped like a brain and it helps to enhance your brain function. Walnuts are the only nut source that contain ALA ( alpha-linolenic acid), which helps to promote blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to your brain. Walnuts help to improve memory, learning, and motor skill coordination. So grab a handful and get crackin’.


I consider garlic an amazing superfood. It is obviously not something that you want to consume before you go to work every day; garlic-breath is not a good way to make friends. But eating it will help you perform better at work. Not to mention, according to research published by the medical journal “Cancer”, by the American Cancer Society, garlic has been found to stave off some forms of brain cancer by killing off glioblastoma cells, which are malignant tumor cells. Garlic also protects our brain from inflammation that could lead to conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease.


Avocados, are loaded with monounsaturated fats, which improve blood flow. Healthy blood flow=healthy brain. Plus, there are tons of ways to eat them. Did you know that avocados are the ingredient in smoothies that make them so darn rich and creamy? But don’t worry — your smoothie won’t taste like avocado, since they take on the flavor of the smoothie. Or you can simply slice it in half, remove the pit, squeeze a lemon over it and add a dusting of Himalayan salt. Guacamole is another great way to eat avocado.


Khanyisile Maseko