REI WEALTH MONTHLY Issue 37 | Page 9

Possible New Leads Sources for Your Real Estate Business

Possible New Leads Sources for Your Real Estate Business

1 . Your Local Attorneys
Whenever any major legal life changes occur , people tend to consult attorneys for help . We are talking about major issues such as bankruptcy , divorce , death and the like . And while these life changes may not be good for the clients of the attorneys , they can be very good news for your business .
Think about it : when someone declares bankruptcy for example , that person will need to get rid of some properties in order to comply with the legal conditions that arise from being in such a difficult situation . Some of those conditions may require one to sell a home in order for the creditors to be paid .
It ’ s therefore in your best interest to take the time to establish a connection with the attorneys in your locale . Let them know what you do for a living , and then make it clear that you are available to do business with them and their clients . If you establish a good rapport with your local attorneys , you will become the go­to person when they need to help their clients get rid of their properties .
2 . Home Cleaning Companies
As a realtor or real estate investor , attorneys who handle major life issues for their clients can provide a steady source of leads for your business . Your business presents attorneys with the opportunity to further help their clients to sort out their financial problems in the easiest way possible .
Some people hire home cleaning companies simply because they are not in the mood to clean their homes . But do you know who else likes to hire professional cleaners ?
Sellers , that ’ s who !
When people are set to put up their homes on the market , they are more likely to hire professional home cleaning companies . Professionals are in a better position to clean the homes properly .
Once a home is put up for sale , then the chance for you to sell that home on behalf of a client as the lead realtor , is gone . If you are a real estate investor , then you need to be prepared for the competition from other potential buyers who may also be interested in the property .