REI WEALTH MONTHLY Issue 33 | Page 60

Alternative Leads are the Solution

Alternative Leads are the Solution

Is there a way to solve the lack of leads currently occurring in the real estate market ? There is . For real estate investors who want to continue to profit no matter the market , looking to alternative leads is the best strategy . These leads – found in the probate , divorce and bankruptcy industries – are the best way for investors to find homes and commercial properties despite the shortage in the United States .
Probate leads are plentiful . With experts estimating that more than 30,000 probates are filed each month throughout the United States , each and every county has new options of homes , personal property , vacation homes and commercial real estate that are for sale . Executors , responsible for the sale of property held by someone who has passed , are under an obligation from their local court jurisdiction to sell the property in order to close the probate . What does this mean for you as an investor ? For real estate investors , probate properties offer discounted prices , sometimes up to 30 % to 50 % off of current market
prices , on homes and other property located in some of the most desirable areas of the region that you work in . Executors are generally eager to look at all offers for property as they need to sell the property in order to pay medical bills , taxes , legal fees and funeral expenses for their loved one .
Divorce and bankruptcy leads are also another way to find great deals on property . Usually governed by the local court system , these leads can also provide excellent options for discounted prices . With divorce and probate leads it is critical to have your attorney review all of your documentation especially during your first experience working in this market . The language used in the sales documents can be different that is used in traditional offers due to legal requirements . Ask your legal counsel to ensure that there are ways for you to exit divorce deals if the parties do not cooperate . As an investor it is not wise to have your deal stalled due to marital discord .