REI WEALTH MONTHLY Issue 33 | Page 17

Marketing to sellers is also a numbers ’ game . The more motivated sellers you are able to locate , the more motivated sellers you will have contacting you , and the more opportunities you ’ ll have to make good deals . The secret is in learning how to find the truly motivated sellers .
Whom exactly are you going to be marketing to ? Motivation comes in many forms . Sellers need to sell for a variety of reasons . Some reasons have to do with the sellers themselves , such as age , health status , job situations , personal situations , financial difficulties , change in family size or change in marital status .
Other reasons might have to do with the property itself , such as an estate , a property that needs too much work , or a property that has been vacant for a significant period of time . This would also include land lords who have simply had enough of tenants damaging their properties over and over again .
So how do you find these sellers and how should you market to them ? The best way I ’ ve found to do this is by using at least three to five different marketing strategies at all times . One of the multipronged marketing approaches is the proper use of direct mail to reach these very motivated sellers . You always want to be reaching your market in a variety of different ways to draw the highest number of motivated sellers to you .
The BIG secret to effective direct mail campaigns is to use them over and over to the same potential sellers . As you will quickly discover , given time , almost every potential sellers ’ circumstances change and make them more ready to sell .
I also find that these mailings are very residual . These potential sellers will hold onto your direct mail pieces until their circumstances dictate that they contact you , especially since they probably have not had any contact from anyone else , because usually their properties are not being actively marketed .
Since they are not being actively marketed , there is virtually no competition for these deals . And … if you take the time to actively follow up with your direct mail campaigns and with your sellers , these sellers will contact you first when they need to sell , even if they have been contacted by someone else in the meantime .
This makes it even easier for you to make a good deal . In addition , during the time you have been mailing sequentially to these potential sellers , you continue to build credibility with them . This will give you a significant advantage over your competition , since these sellers feel they already have a “ relationship ” with you .
The biggest part of the secret is to find the sellers who really want to sell . I use different direct mail campaigns to successfully locate several types of