REI Wealth Monthly Issue 15 | Page 21

BOOK EXCERPT FROM THE BOOM AFTER THE BUBBLE: ANDREW CORDLE HOW WE PROFIT IN REAL ESTATE AND HOW YOU CAN TOO In Chapter 5 of the book “The Boom After the Bubble”, author Andrew Cordle shares tips on how to avoid the biggest mistakes one could make in the real estate industry, and how to rise above the greatest collapse in real estate history. t is no secret that Real Estate goes through cycles. Sometimes the market is up. Sometimes it’s down. It follows that Real Estate has windows of opportunity. What I mean is that at certain points in the cycle, an opportunity, or tactic, becomes available. That brief time period in which this opportunity exists is when it is “in the window.” Anything that is extremely popular, or really “hot” ends up trending for a couple of years. Then, when that window shuts, the cycles move on to another real estate fad.