REI Wealth Monthly Issue 07 | Page 53

SIX THINGS THAT SEPARATE INVESTORS FROM RETAIL BUYERS SCOTT CARSON #4 Outside the Box Thinking: While we discussed exit strategies that might seem a bit different, it isn't quite the outside of the box thinking that most investors are known for. For those agents that do take the time to understand investors, it is a very beneficial relationship Investors are often able to come up with nonconventional solutions to problems. Unfortunately, most agents are too set in their mindset to accept a subject to, owner financing, or short sale offer. And, their clients often suffer, when they are too stubborn to accept a viable solution to their clients' problem. Unfortunately, most agents will assume an idea is illegal, when in fact, the idea is completely legal, viable, and their clients are protected with legal documents. While investors may ask their agent to submit 20 plus contracts each week on REO's or short sales to close on one deal. Unfortunately, agents would rather spend their time running buyers all over town instead of spending time with a guaranteed buyer who can close and also who is patient. Chase five buyers for five deals, or work with one buyer to buy all five? I think the answer is obvious here. #6 Multiple Deal Streams: Investors will often work with multiple agents to ensure that there is always a steady flow of deals coming in. Most would prefer that the investors work with just on agent. But, unfortunately, most agents specialize only in one area of the city, one type of deal, or a specific price range, and are n ??????Z[?Y????Y?XX?H?]]?\?H\H???[??X?[?H[??\???[???H????[?\????Y][?[Y?[??[?[??]Z\??Y[[???\???[?^H?[??]Z\?[??\??\??][??X[????H?\?Y?[???]^H???X[^?H\?]Y????H]X[?]N???^H???H[YH?X\?????[??\? \?\?[?H??[]?HY?[?????[X?[???????][??\????H?Y?[\???\?\?[??\?H??[X?[???]?X??]??^Y\?????[[[???X\?[?YH][??\?????[Z?B?H[YH?\??[?H?Z\??\?[?\???\??[B?\?Z\?XZ[?Y?[? ???]?[?^H?H??\?H?]?\?Y?H]?\?H?]?H??]?[?YX\???X??\??[[??\???\?H?^Z[???][\H??\?Y\?]?\?HYX\?Y???]?\?H[? ???[???[?][KY?[??\?H?[???Y??X?H?]??]^H???[?]?H?H[??XY?Z?[???