REI Wealth Monthly Issue 05 | Page 70

FIVE QUESTIONS YOU NEED TO ANSWER BEFORE BUYING A PROPERTY OVERSEAS MARGARET SUMMERFIELD If you plan on buying and selling within a short timeframe for profit, you'll need to monitor the local market carefully to figure out the best time to sell. Restoration, renovation and building a home will take more time overseas. You're dealing with different regulations and often a different language. Plus, it's even trickier when you're managing the process and you're not in-country. It all adds to the time involved, so factor that in. Write down your answers to these five questions. And then, every time you look at an overseas property, see how it stacks up against your checklist. It will help you stay on track and buy the property that suits your needs - rather than falling for a "dream" home that doesn't deliver. P.S. You should always check out a property in person before you sign a sale contract to make sure you're getting what you're paying for and that it's right for you. All of the real estate developers and agents we work with will help you organize a real estate tour or a chill weekend trip. Pathfinder