ReggaeXclusive Fall 2017 | Page 20

HEALTH WATCH above is the easiest way to detect the problem. An effective solution for digestive upsets is Digestive Enzymes. Enzymes are naturally occurring in the mouth, small intestine, liver and pancreas and work by helping us break down our food as we eat. Supplementing with digestive enzymes 30 minutes before or during every meal will enhance your nutrient absorption levels. This will in turn give you more physical energy, eliminate tiredness after a meal, regulate your bowel movements and most of all, get rid of gas, belching and bloating experienced after a meal. Supplementing with enzymes also takes a lot of burden from the liver so it is able to strengthen itself and focus on other tasks in the body. GAS, BELCHING AND BLOATING Solutions to Digestive Dilemmas By: Trisha Smith R.H.N / T he digestive system is a unique and delicate environment that governs about 80% of our immunity. Good bacteria in our gut, along with proper enzyme secretion and a balanced diet, are all vital factors for an optimally functioning digestive system. When we begin to have frequent bouts of gas, belching and bloating, it is a signal that our gut health is imbalanced and needs some attention. Causes of these symptoms include stress, a high sugar diet, and frequent use of pharmaceutical or recreational drugs, enzyme depletion, alcohol, constipation, poor food combining, poor chewing habits and unknown food allergies or sensitivities. Being aware of our body’s reaction when we consume any of the Pineapples and Papayas have the highest enzyme content, and can be found in the Health Food Store under the names Papain and Bromelain. If you have had your gallbladder removed then be sure to purchase an enzyme that contains OxBile so you are able to break down fatty foods more efficiently. Enzyme brands that I like to take include Enzymedica, Natren and Now and New Roots. Other tips to ensure proper digestive health are: Chew on fennel seeds as it helps eliminate gas; do not drink anything while you are eating or 20 minutes afterwards; eat more fermented foods; Chew your food thoroughly; Go to your family doctor for allergy testing; Supplement with Probiotics; Follow the Food Combining Guide. Be sure to follow me on FB, IG and Twitter @Adero Herbals for information, products and services. reggaeXclusive -- Web Site: --- Phone: 416-519-0831 -- Email: [email protected] Pg - 20