Reflections Magazine Issue #60 - Fall 2003 | Page 13

From the Heights 11 Anthony Butler (below right) explored Catholic values with new friends from around the world. Our discussions were filled with ques- felt I was not “Catholic enough” for the tions of every kind, always followed by retreat or that I did not know enough to insightful thoughts. Through the week, contribute. I asked the students to look we found where students landed on the around the room and then said, “This spectrum of Catholicism. That was not is the Church,” knowing that we all the intent of the retreat, but it caught had different opinions about our faith. my attention as I, too, am trying and The fact is, it is our faith. We had spent learning to place myself on this diverse the week listening to one another about to the Dominicans. I am proud of my continuum. We often use the terms lib- our faith. Because we were all able to Dominican connection and hope it will eral, moderate, and conservative, but listen, and not only listen but value one continue to strengthen. I’m not sure those terms are descriptive another, I have great hope in the future enough. I like to think of myself as a of the Church. Our days were intense, but we had ample time to reflect on our experi- dynamic Catholic. We do not know God’s plan for us, ences. Breakfast was followed by mass There were many different opinions, but though we are often given glimpses. I in a makeshift chapel; then presenta- we were able to listen to one another; believe, however, that everything hap- tion and