Recovery Rises ISSUE 3 | Page 15


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Traceys journey

My name is Tracy and I would like to share with you all the massive impact that Intuitive Recovery has had on my life........ After using crack and heroin for the best part of 29 years, I knew that I needed to make a decision about my future use. During my 29 years of injecting heroin my physical health had suffered immensely and it was during my last prison sentence I knew I never wanted to do either again.

It was whilst I was serving my last 8 month sentence in December 2008 I made a decision to detox from my 90mil a day methadone script and end that continual cycle of a lifestyle that involved drugs, crime and prison. Prior to sitting on the course I had spent 15 years of my life in and out of drug treatment systems, never ever managing to stay stopped, in treatment but going nowhere fast, it felt very much like I was on a roundabout that I could not get off and always looking for answers.......but not getting them, always looking for some one or something to blame to justify my next fix. I never once considered that actually I should take some responsibility for my actions, even losing my family was never enough of an incentive for me to end my drug use, in fact it became an excuse, reason, justification for me to carry on. I had someone else to blame. I viewed myself as a victim and I was happy to be one.

"I viewed myself as a victim and I was happy to be one"

On release from prison I was housed in a hostel in Liverpool, it was during my stay at the hostel I was given the opportunity to sit on a course to show me how to remain abstinent from drugs...That course being Intuitive Recovery. Intuitive Recovery provided me with those answers, what a relief it was to know that my searching for answers was over.

The answer was there all along. IR has shown me a way to make a plan to “never use again” and I never will. Since completing the course, Intuitive Recovery has given me the opportunity to work for them as a course tutor. I am now able to share with others what Intuitive Recovery has taught me. Intuitive Recovery has shown me that I always have a choice.....I choose “never to use drugs again” and to never change my mind about that decision. As a result of staying with my decision, I now have my life back...its fantastic


“Today is great, and tomorrow is even better”.