Recovery Rises ISSUE 2 | Page 21



The most common high risk groups in this country are drug and alcohol users (Alcoholic Hep) and people with various sexual partners. Hep B and Hep E are especially common in other parts of the world like China & South East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and other countries with poor sanitation. BBVS cause upto 600,000 deaths world wid

• Unsterile body piercing or tattooing

• Mother to child

• Blood transfusion and/or blood products pre 1990

Who is at risk?

In 2010 in the U.K alone over 2,697 peopl the body damaging the immune system to such a degree that infections may begin to occur as a result of a weakened immune system. Eventually, one may acquire various illnesses due to the damage done by the virus. HIV can be transmitted by :

• Unprotected sex (sex without a condom)

• Sharing needles and syringes

e each year.

Symptoms and Treatments.

It can take between 40 - 160 days for symptoms to develop. The most common symptoms are:

Yellowish Skin

Pale Stools

Loss of appetite

Enlarged Liver

Abdominal Pains & Tenderness

Nausea & Vommiting


Not all of these symptoms may occur at the same time and further testing may be required

unprotected sex (not using a condom) with a person infected with HDV.


You can find out if you have been exposed

to the Heaptitis C virus by having a routine blood test. As some people naturally clear the virus from their system, the initial testing will only indicate whether or not there has been an exposure. This is because the initial testing process looks for anitbodies in the blood. Even if the virus has already been cleared there will still be antibodies present. If initial tests come back positive, further testing, known as a PCR test, will need to be done in order to determine if the virus is still present.