Reality Christian Magazine | Page 22

FRANCESCA BA T T IS T ELLI Q A What is your favorite scripture? “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11 Q How does this verse speak into you life right now? A Wherever I am at in my life, I always wonder, “What’s next, God? What do you have for me?” This verse reminds me that it’s not up to me, its up to Him. His ways are His plan. It changes all the time but I think for me right now its “Holy Spirit.” It’s the new single off the album. It’s a worship song that I love. It’s amazing to hear thousands of people singing along and worshiping. So I love that song. Q How did you get your start in music? A Q How do you balance road life and you family? Just like anybody. Our day-to-day life is a little different from a 9-5 job. Being intentional and making time for it. Being consistent with the Lord. For me, I get to sleep pretty well on the road because we have a nanny that comes with us. At home, I’m getting up at 6am with the kids and on the road I could sort of take my time in the morning. That’s when I like to have my quite time, get off the bus and then go see everybody. Just like anyone. It is making the time for it and being consistent. Q Tell us about your latest album? A There is a song that I wrote called “If we are honest.” As soon as I wrote it, I knew that this was going to be the name of the album. It is probably my favorite song on this album because it’s very personal. It is really about challenging myself and challenging listeners to live a more authentic life. We were talking about this at our band devotional last night. It is so easy to live a life and walk around a little bit phony but God has called us to a real relationship with love, authenticity, and honesty. The enemy wants us to keep our struggles and our sins hidden but the Lord wants to bring them out to the light because then they lose their power. Q Ajoylot ofthepeople see your and peace that you have. If someone were to ask you, “Francesca, I want what you have?” What would you tell them about the Jesus Christ? A The only way to get that is to know Jesus and to have Him in your life. Just because you have the joy of the Lord doesn’t mean that everything is going to go perfect in your life but you have I grew up in a musical family. I am an only child. My parents were in the theater world so I grew up doing a lot of ballet and musical theater. I started writing songs when I was in high school and playing guitar. I think this is one of the things the Lord prepared in my life. Until about the time I was going to college, I knew this is what I wanted to do. All through college, I played wherever I had the opportunity. I walked through the doors that God opened. He then made it happen that as I was graduating college, I moved the Nashville and the rest is history. balance road Q How do youlife with God? life and your devotional A that assurance and you have that hope that this is not the end. Knowing that Jesus is working in your life and that one day you’re going to meet him \