Reality Bites Magazine 18 | Page 140

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT f you could host a Halloween Party, which 3 (departed) celebrities would you have at your dinner table? Heath Ledger, Robin Williams and Elvis Presley  Would you rather: Haunted house with a malevolent spirit  You're in a horror movie. Who are you? Comic Relief  The Zombie Apocalypse has arrived. They're at your door. The item to your immediate left is your weapon. What is it? Mug of hot coffee... looks like i am going to die fast.  You're home alone. You heart footsteps in the hallway or outside. What do you do? Inside? Not a biggie, i hear weird stuff often, so it wouldn't trigger my fear. Out- side? Thats different, and i would let my dog inside, he dosent like strangers and would scare most folk if he was agitated.