Real Life Real Faith Wisdom for Everyday Life January/February Issue | Page 11

Convesations with God

To everything there is a season , time and purpose . Now is the time to center your attention and set your focus upon Me . How I long to put my arms around you and to draw you to my heart once again . I am bringing order out of chaos , lifting up the fallen and releasing courage to the weary . My heart is full of compassion as I look upon my creation this day .
You look out and see a battlefield . I see my children longing to be touched by my power and life once again . I am breathing fresh breath into the valley of dry bones . Wells of living water shall spring up from within and out of your belly shall these living waters flow . Take time in my presence and allow me to refill you with my oil . I will ignite the fires from within once again . Listen to the sound of my laughter as I laugh at my enemies . I have called you to join in my holy laughter once again . begun a good work in you and I shall be faithful to complete it . You are my Church , my Body , my Beloved .
The winds of my Spirit are blowing once again . I am stirring up the deep within you for deep is calling unto deep . My passion is calling for you . Passion for me and my kingdom will begin stirring your heart . Hear my roar as I arise against my enemies . I am jealous over you . I will leave the ninety-nine and search for the one who has been misguided and fallen away . I will never abandon one of my little ones but I am always listening for the cry of your heart .
There is a reordering of your footsteps in this hour . I am realigning my body , preparing for reappointments . Many will move geographically as I position you for the new flow of my Spirit in your life . I am closing doors but also opening new ones . Where hope has been deferred its hold is broken and fresh hope is filling your heart again .
Scattered dreams are being regathered . There shall be releasing of fresh vision , destiny and purpose to you . There will be a fresh anointing upon My word for this is your blueprint in life . You must test all things by my word for there are many false prophets speaking forth in the land . Listen for and look for the demonstration of love for all I do will be bathed in my love .
Do not hold on to your life but release all to me for he who loses his life for my sake shall find it . There is a great shaking in the land and that which is not of my kingdom shall be uprooted from your life . I have
Many will be drawn to my round table of reasoning for there have been many voices in the past speaking . You will experience counseling by my Spirit as I work deeper in families bringing forth restoration and unity .
You will no longer live among the caves but come out into the open and unite as my body . Strength will come to your voice as you begin to open your mouth . I will fill your mouth with high praises . I want you to get excited about Me and my kingdom and what I am doing in this hour . I will flood your heart

Kathy Robbins-Maqsood

Kathy Robbins-Maqsood is a native and lives in Asheville, North Carolina. She is a teacher, speaker, prophetess, psalmist, and missionary. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Reflections of Hope Ministries and Reflections of Hope-Pakistan. Kathy may be reached at