Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith March 2016 | Page 7

Economic empowerment for entrepreneurs is created when the full community is connected. Entrepreneurs help families in the communities by offering jobs or a service or product that is needed. Businesses assist the government in being able to achieve certain community needs as well, such as police enforcement, good roads or other projects. Businesses also give communities the ability to have strong schools that will educate and prepare our youth for adulthood and even entrepreneurship. Lastly, businesses are able to partner with the church and aid them in being able to address some needs of the congregation. In addition, there is now more emphasis on financial literacy and entrepreneurship in schools so the students see it up close and personal in you. As men of faith we set the tone in our communities. Being entrepreneurs in the 21st century allows us to impact the community in such a way that it becomes stronger and has a greater impact on not only our lives but serves as an example for other lives that surround us.

As Men of Faith in Business we must always be cognizant of how we impact the lives of others through what we say and what we do. Our purpose should be more than materially driven. Our mission should be to make life better for someone else and when you economically empower others and yourself you make life better for others and yourself for generations!!!

By: Leroy McKenzie