Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith March 2016 | Page 5

Don't Let Anybody Take Your Manhood Social Commentary never let anybody make you feel like you are beyond redemption and never let anybody take your manhood. If they are determined to take your life, determined to take your freedom, determined to take your history; make them fight for it. Regardless of your background, mistakes, sexual preferences or religious beliefs…never forget that your manhood is a nonnegotiable asset that should never be traded in to make others feel comfortable with who you are. NAVI ROBBINS Should we be concerned? Absolutely! Should we be held accountable as men and fathers? Absolutely! But by no means should we relinquish our manhood because we have fallen short of what is expected of us. We are still men, maybe not the men we should be, but we can be. .If we have the bloodline of gods and kings flowing through our veins then we can return to the majesty of our ancestors. This is why black history must go beyond the slave trade and the oppression that came with it. Egyptian history is black history, biblical history is black history, Moorish history is black history, Islamic history is black history, Malian history is black history, Mayan, and Aztec history is black history. In other words, world history is black history. A history black men should not be ashamed of. Slavery and our current fallen state is but one ripple in time of our many contributions to this planet. Never let anybody make you feel like you’re hopeless, Navi Robbins is a contributing writer to Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith