Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith July/August Issue | Page 19

I've always been a champion for the underdog, a voice for the silent, a fighter for the bullied

Meet new contributor

bryant lewis



Bryant has also been at the forefront of putting children first. Mr. Lewis began working with kids at the age of 16 putting together a summer intramural program for elementary school kids, teaching them sports and playing together as a team. Whether it was as a volunteer for Special Olympics, or coaching youth in 4 different sports, or just being a “dad” to all the neighborhood kids, Bryant wants to be a positive influence for youth of all ages.

Bryant was a sports reporter in various outlets in the NY area, covering every pro team in the area back in the late 1980’s to the mid 90’s. He was Co-Founder and Managing Editor for TeenNewsNet, an online magazine geared to giving the youth a platform to work on being a writer/journalist.


’ve always have been a champion for the underdog, a voice for the silent, a fighter for the bullied.”

These are the words that motivate our new columnist Bryant Lewis to try and make a difference in today’s divided words.

Bryant was born in NYC, the oldest of 9 children, and his journey has taken him from a crowded apartment in the Bronx projects, to a split level house in a NY suburb and everything in between.

He has become a voice on Facebook and Twitter, using those platforms to voice his opinions about being Black in America, the electing of Donald Trump, the exploits of his youngest son, or the state of his beloved NY Jets, Lewis’ followers have always been entertained and enlightened by his daily muses.

The students would write

about serious topics such as suicide and filling out college applications, and interview celebrities like One Direction and Rooney Mara. Lately, Mr. Lewis has been an advisor for STEER, a program dedicated to helping disadvantaged high school student/athletes with great grades to ultimately get to college. Currently, Lewis works as a project manager for a pharmaceutical ad agency in NYC.