Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith January Edition | Page 5

business is viable or not. As I talked about in principle #1 doing your industry research and getting to know where your industry was, where it is, and where it will be will show you whether or not your business can be successful. Your business plan should be an ongoing document. You must continue to look at it, at least once a year, and evaluate where you are and where you see yourself going.

Principle #3: Work It (Putting Time In) After you see your vision and you have written your vision, it is now time to work your vision. What do I mean when I say work your vision/business? I mean putting into action your business plan, implementing the culture of your organization. You must begin to make sure that your day-to-day operation is strategically planned out. Now is the time for you to ensure that you have the right people in the right place doing the right thing. You must be actively networking to let people know who you are, what you do, and where they can find you. You can have the greatest product or service but if no one knows who you are or where to find you then that will not matter. Every successful business owner/entrepreneur must understand that whoever puts the work in is the one who will be the leader in their industry. What we place as a priority we put the time in with it, your business is no different. If you place value in your purpose driven business then you must put the work in to make it successful. I believe that when you apply these three principles to any purpose driven business you will find yourself being successful at it no matter what industry you are in!!!!