Real Life Real faith Journey to Wellness Journey to Wellness September/October | Page 20

I had never heard of a PSA and normally the doctors do not test for this until age 50 but if there is a family history they start much earlier . After I took the test I forgot all about it . About a week later my doctor called to say my PSA was elevated … it was 4.3 . For my age it should be below 4 . She referred me to a urologist , who informed me that he would need to perform a biopsy to rule out cancer . During this entire process , I was extremely calm because I just didn ’ t believe I could have cancer . A few days later on August 5 , 2015 , I got the call . My immediate reaction was panic . What was I going to do ? What was going to happen to me ? Was I going to die from this ? I was catapulted into a crisis of epic proportions . I had experienced many challenges in my life but nothing could have prepared me for this .
How did you battle it ?
Like most people I would waver between faith and fear . I had to work every day to keep myself encouraged . When people would see me they had no idea what I was going through or the intense physical pain I was dealing with after I had the seed implantation surgery where they placed 125 radioactive seeds in my prostate . There were days when the pain was so excruciating that I just wanted to give up . Some days I would find myself in the bathroom screaming because the pain was so intense . I remember buying an erasable board that I placed in the bathroom so I could write words to encourage myself . I remember writing things like “ Pain Don ’ t Last Always ”, “ God is Going to Get the Glory After This ”, “ God Is Real .” I had to find ways to remind myself that this too shall pass . At the suggestions of an herbalist I began taking Black Seed Oil , eating pumpkin seeds , drinking lots of water and drinking 2 oz . of wheatgrass daily . I also resumed exercising soon after the surgery which helped manage the pain .
A U T H O R , S P E A K E R , C A N C E R S U R V I V O R


Any advice for your entrepreneurs ?
Understand that in business , failure is simply a part of the process . You will fail more times than you succeed but fail forward . When you fail forward you are using each experience as a lesson to gain information to do better and be better . Do not make the mistake that so many make when they experience failure by thinking that it is a reflection of who they are . Those that are successful in business will tell you the importance failure was to their ultimate success .
Any advice for those battling cancer ?
Cancer is not the end .
What I now know is that the battle really is not ours as the song says , it is the Lord ’ s . I made up my mind that if I go or stay , it is all good . Healing simply is the end of suffering and for some that means a healing of the body and for others that means leaving this earthly vessel . Either way , when you know who your God is , you win .
What will Harold Leffall ’ s legacy be ?
I pray that my legacy will be that through my life I was able to remind others that they have the power within to meet any challenge life presents .
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