Real Life Real faith Journey to Wellness Journey to Wellness May/June 2016 | Page 8

When women are overwhelmed, they lack the energy and focus to make the sound clear decisions that they normally would. Women are unable to problem solve in a purposeful, effective and clear manner. If they take care of themselves consistently, they are more equipped to better handle life’s challenges that are bound to arise in their daily lives We as mothers must know that we serve as role models for our children. When we take care of ourselves, we show them an example of positive self-esteem and. healthy living behaviors.

If we do just a few things regularly, to renew our mind, energy and revitalize our spirit, we can continue providing for others from a place of authenticity and abundance. I challenge you to try some activities (either calming and reflective, or exhilarating and transformative) for the next 30 days. Place some time in your schedule for self-care, and notice how much better you feel and how happier you become.

When it comes to your self-care, I suggestthat you have a daily self-care regimen that can be as simple or as complex as you like. Your regimen must be something you are willing to commit to yourself to do on a regular basis. It is important to note that you do not want to do anything to add stress to your already full life. You want to do things that will cause you to start your regular basis. It is important to note that you do not want to do anything to add stress to your already full life. You want to do things that will cause you to start your day off in a relaxed manner or throughout your day or even at night

As we set out to honor the most important person on the planet: Mothers, I thought it would be timely to talk about how important it is that mothers, but women in general, take care of themselves on a consistent basis. Women put their needs on hold to attend to those of their husbands, children and anyone else that they care about in their lives. It is easy for them to take care of others but they put themselves last on their own priority list. Women must nurture themselves physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually just to name a few areas that you must focus on.

Studies have shown that women who exercise or get moving regularly, eat properly, get the necessary amounts of sleep. Find satisfaction in their vocational and personal lives and they are less likely to experience depression, anxiety and sickness including illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc. This shows you that it is imperative that women put self-care first in order to be available to help those that they love. Self-care is empowering; women must take charge of your life, if they plan to be fully engage in all that life has to offer them.



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Self-Care is the Best Care......
