Real Life Real faith Journey to Wellness January Issue | Page 19

most common exercise excuses

The most common exercise excuses are just like other excuses, very common. We have them because we do not want take ownership. There is no difference when it comes to exercise. As a fitness professional with ~20 years of experience, I have heard just about every exercise excuse that exists! Here a five of the most common exercises excuses and how to beat them!

Most Common Exercise Excuses #4:

Exercise is Boring

While I can appreciate that exercise is boring, so is brushing your teeth. However, I assume you do that at least twice a day right?! Sometimes, we have to treat exercise just like brushing our teeth or taking a shower, meaning like a necessity (because it truly is). Also, have you tried things like sports, gardening, or hiking that are not necessarily exercise, but can serve as it? Write down a list of things you like to do and I am sure you will have on that list some forms or exercise that you did not consider exercise.

venenatis non.

If you are afraid that you will hurt yourself during exercise, hire a personal trainer to make sure you are safe when exercising.


These most common exercises excuses can be overcome. Our bodies were designed to move. You can not get around this one at all. Find something you like to do that requires your body to move and stick with it! You will body will love you for it and your excuses will be no more!

Most Common Exercise Excuses #5: I Am Afraid I Will Hurt Myself

I applaud you for your honesty as you should be concerned for your safety. If you drive a car, then one of your biggest forms of safety is your seat belt. Well, in the fitness world, we have seat belts too. They are called personal trainers. One of our main concerns when working with you is safety.