Real Life Real faith Journey to Wellness January Issue | Page 16

So let’s chat about going from the couch and no activity but what’s on T.V. to boosting your metabolism and increasing movement in the most efficient and effective manner possible while reducing your risk of injury and

Couches Kill

making sure you have an amazing fitness experience while you doing it.

The first step in going anywhere is deciding you are not willing to stay where you are. So here are 5 smart strategies to get you off the couch. 1) List your reasons for wanting to exercise and weigh these benefits against the consequences of staying sedentary. Once your positives outnumber the negatives, you'll be ready to move forward. 2) Once you figure out what’s blocking you, take an honest look: what's really preventing you from getting started? You need to get committed and promise yourself you'll overcome those obstacles. 3) Make a plan of action and think through all the details: Will you walk, bike, or swim? Where and when do you plan on exercising? What kind of clothing or equipment do you need? Make a commitment, draw a line in the sand, and make a contract with yourself. Set three goals: one for the next month, one for six months, and one for a year. Reward yourself for each goal accomplished. Set an initial goal you're sure to attain; early success will propel you onward. Develop a detailed contingency plan. Where will you walk if it rains? How will you exercise when you visit your in-laws? What will you do on days you're tired? Make a public commitment. Ask for support from your friends and have them follow up on your progress.4) Execute the plan, simply put, just do it. Make your environment conducive to exercise. Leave notes reminding yourself to work out, for instance, and have your clothes ready ahead of time. Reward yourself for sticking to your plan. Think long-term. You're forming a lifelong habit here. No need to beat yourself up about a missed day; you have the next 50 years to make it up. 5) Now you have been at it for a few months, and you should be seeing some amazing results. Exercise has become a way and a part of your daily life. Pay attention to all the accomplishments and benefits along the way. Your increased energy, better sleep, and the necks you are breaking as everyone stares at you, are all signs of the accomplishments and the benefits.

Before you begin any exercise program, be sure to consult your physician for contraindications. Training progressively can help reduce pain and injury that may coincide with starting an exercise program. Always remember to warm-up before starting your exercise program and always allow time for a proper cool-down session incorporating flexibility to keep your muscles and joints working optimally.

health action

with Coach Jackson

More Americans lived a sedentary lifestyle this year and the number of physically active hits its lowest mark in the last seven years. Research shows that out of the 292 million Americans aged 6 years and older, 83 million are living a sedentary lifestyle. Since 2009, an additional 7.9 million Americans have climbed onto the couch and left their sneakers by the wayside referencing a report done by the Physical Activity Council which was released this year.

When you lack physical activity the risk for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, certain cancers, and obesity, is extremely high. You also run the risk of anxiety and depression. Nothing good can come from a lack of movement. Out of the population of the inactive, women and older individuals should commit the most and spend the most time

getting off the couch and improving their health as inactivity increases with age and women are also more likely to live a sedentary life. Daily exercise helps decrease the risk of

essentially all health problems. Making time to exercise and having a routine for 30 minutes a day can improve your chances of increasing your vitality.