Real Estate Juice Magazine 2 | Page 61

Have you ever said to a vendor that your multi – million dollar property looks like “crap?” We need to style it. And they were offended but still conformed to making your suggested changes?

I would never say a clients home looked like ‘crap’. I’ve definitely thought it on more than one occasion. However I have a wonderful partnership with the extraordinary stylists at Coco Republic, so no home on my books would go on market without looking Coco Repubic Perfect.

Who is your favorite fashion designer – clothes, shoes & handbags?

I adore a number of international brands but have a deep seeded passion for Australian products and fashion. I adore Carla Zampatti the woman, and adore wearing Carla Zampatti the brand. My husband Jad would probably tell you I most enjoyed wearing Graff diamonds, however the real truth in the matter is I enjoy wearing my Graff diamonds with Carla Zampatti dresses.

If you could choose another career other than real estate, what would it be?

I already love my other career as a professional wife and mother.

Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Still happy.

Monika Tu