Real Estate Juice Magazine 2 | Page 60

To become a real estate principal takes a lot of confidence, courage and fortitude. Did you have these qualities as a child and a teenager growing up?

I’m not afraid of hard work and I’ve never been afraid of hard work even as a youngster. I’m a firm believer in the very old saying that ‘the harder I work, the luckier I get!’.

I know that you are very conscious of looking and presenting the best image you can at your clients and other facets of your business life. How important do you believe it is for the industry to present their best image?

Image is one thing…. Being able to deliver is another! I guess it’s a fair assumption to presume I am image conscious. To be true, I expect the same level of detail from my team. My company Black Diamondz Property Concierge prides itself on our ability to deliver premium results. In order to deliver premium results, one must also deliver a premium service.

Some people may see you as a “Diva.” Does that sit good with you or do you believe it is just a product of your success?

Some people may see me as a Diva?! I can confirm I’m definitely not. I wonder what the life of a Diva would feel like? I guess if I really was a diva I would have a lot more hours in the day to worry about only me, and a lot less responsibility and passion for worrying about the welfare, happiness and fulfillment of others.