Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa October 2014 | Page 15

UPFRONT Jacques says that successfully listing a business on a stock exchange, you need to know how your business fits into international best practice trends. This strategy of using research, due diligence and financial strategies has led Jacques to list multiple companies on the JSE. THE BCI FOUR PHASES OF CORPORATE FINANCE PHASE 1: RESEARCH & DUE DILIGENCE • Global, regional and African research enables BCI to advise the client as to the route it needs to take to achieve its business targets. • Due diligence is conducted on the organisation in relation to research, i.e. what needs to be changed in the business before targets can be met? • The research is also the ultimate basis for analytical forecasts PHASE 2: STRATEGY & OPTION DETERMINATION • Through research, BCI is able to establish the path that the organisation needs to take to achieve its desired corporate objectives. • This leads to determining which options are available to the client: can such current options change if corporate restructuring takes place? • The aim is to develop strategic plans: financial and operational strategies. PHASE 3: THE BUSINESS PLAN & VALUATION • Set out a business plan to include research, strategy and objectives. • The plan is written on the assumption that phase two decisions have been carried out. • The methodology for the valuation of unlisted companies developed by BCI is accepted by the JSE AltX and the universities of Pretoria and Cape Town. PHASE 4:FINAL DOCUMENTATION AND IMPLEMENTATION • Carry out required legal, accounting and corporate work needed to achieve targets as per Phases 1 to 3. • Once the above tasks are completed, a presentation is made to the client. • Once approval is granted from the client, BCI will assist in carrying out the plans as set out in the strategic consulting conclusions. Jacques the real estate guy Jacques has a local franchise of the Group First Property Group based in the UK and has signed an agency agreement. He has been directly involved in property listings since 2004 including researching the controversial Pinnacle Property Group, and advising the unlisted company e-Vista, who will launch a billion rand property commercial fund in the next two years. He has identified the nodes of property that would become highly soughtafter and evaluated the need to develop the land with infrastructure to offer a distribution node. Jacques is also launching a new company, called BCI Venture Capital, and is looking for new investors and partners. JACQUES’S TIPS FOR INVESTMENT SUCCESS 1. Invest with your mind and not with your heart. 2. Once you have established a broader strategy, stay within your own pre-determined and established set of rules. 3. Stay within your sphere of knowledge - if you are skilled in trading equities, don’t risk your capital in futures until you have gained sufficient knowledge. 4. Be controlled and measured in your approach to making money. 5. Be patient and disciplined. 6. Never lose sight of the fact that investment is a long-term strategy. 7. Remember: it is OK to make mistakes, but don’t make the same mistake again. Video Content Available In Our Digital Edition October 2014 SA Real Estate Investor 15