READER'S ROCK LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE VOL 2 ISSUE 4 NOVEMBER 2014 Vol. 1 Issue 7 January 2014 | Page 6

Unlock the Magic of Your E-Reader Whether you have a very basic e-reader or a multi-faceted tablet/reader combo, you have a tool that can transport you to another world or help you make your home a castle. There are only a few things that have the ability to help you transform your life and lose yourself in magical worlds all in the span of a day. Books are magical anyway, now we have a tool that allows us take an entire library with us, log onto a wireless signal and search millions of titles for our next favorite read. Let’s explore a few ways you can use your e-reader that you might not have thought of. Recipe Box: There are some amazing cookbooks available for your ereader. What makes them so cool is that you can take your ereader right into your kitchen and have everything right there. The enlarge font features make reading the ingredients that much easier. Here are some cool apps that you can get for FREE for the Kindle. Fun & **If you have a scanner or a program that will allow you to create a .pdf you can even put your cherished family recipes into a file and upload it to your e-reader. Play Games: You might not realize this but even the basic Kindle can play games. Check for the ability to use apps on your reading device. Many devices have lots of hidden features that make them even more versatile. Games