Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 10 | February 2017 | Page 33

Love Your


Heart disease is the the number one leading cause of death in women in the United States. This is a surprise to many women who think of heart disease as mostly a man’s disease and who downplay this risk in their lives.

Our heart’s health is influenced by many things. Some of them are obvious such as what we eat, our level of activity and stress and some of them are less so, factors such as our thought patterns, our beliefs, and how much joy we have in our lives.

The following steps are some great examples of ways to foster a healthy life and a happy heart.

Food Choices:

Healthy eating habits are one of the most important things in preventing heart disease. Take a look at what you consume. Start with small changes. Prepare things in advance. Make healthy choices easy and accessible.

~ Make fresh vegetables the main dish of most meals. Many of us believe vegetables are a side dish on a plate filled with protein and carbohydrates. I encourage you to switch it up! Make vegetables the star of the meal, and have smaller portions of everything else.

~ Think fiber. Besides vegetables, consider adding high fiber, whole, unprocessed grains and proteins such as beans, lentils or chickpeas.

~ Use heart healthy oils and fats in moderation. Some to consider are: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts, seeds and fatty fish such as wild salmon, which are all good choices.

Be Active:

Exercise does not have to mean an hour at the gym, (while that is a great thing to do), adopt the attitude that everything counts and increase your activity by:

~ Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

~ Take a dance break in your living room to your favorite song

~ Take a 5 minute stretch break

~ Find a 10 minute yoga class online

by Rachel Kieffer

February 2017 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | 33