Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 08 | December 2016 | Page 30

We approach the New Year with a mindset of all things new, blank slate and all. But if we’re really honest, we’ve spent basically the last two months, under sleeping, over giving, over spending, under family time (wait, but isn’t that what it’s all about?) over eating/drinking, under exercising… you get the idea.

Often, we end up beginning the New Year completely depleted and exhausted. We give it our best shot with what we believe is new motivation, (after all, we all know we want changes in our lives). But in most instances, gyms are crowded to capacity in January and empty in February. Why do our attempts to eat healthier crash? Hmmm, maybe because our bodies are recovering from lack of sleep, too much sugar, too much stress and we’re trying to starve them. Eating healthily is different than forcing your body to lose weight by eating less calories, which is exactly the opposite of what our bodies really needs.

What I believe really happens with this desire to change things up is that we quickly lose steam because we’re exhausted, all while trying to muster up the energy and motivation to make changes in our life. It is for sure a time of year to assess and take steps to change and refocus our priorities and desires. However, the way we end our year is just as important as how we begin our year.

The ways in which many folks move through the holiday season has become a mess of frenzied, hurried life and traditions that is unsustainable. The sales we can’t miss, the parties we can’t miss…

I say, yes, you can! Just say no! Take care of you!

My mantra is YOU HAVE PERMISSION and life is not about HAVE-TO / SUPPOSED-TO. Isn’t it ironic that the sweetest, holiest, most peaceful time of year has turned into a time when have-to’s seem most prevalent for so many?

New Year’s

Resolutions For Some

30 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | December 2016