Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 07 | November 2016 | Page 30

Do you have a regular daily or weekly routine that you follow to stay active, fit, and to keep your mood in check? I believe the foundation of a healthy and happy life includes daily activity to get your body moving, your blood flowing, and your endorphins pumping through your veins. Over the past few years, the crossfit and HIIT (high intensity interval training) movements have provided wonderful, doable, daily inspiration to get you moving – no matter where you are. You don’t have to have a gym membership or any special equipment to keep yourself incredibly active and interested with a regular WOD routine. I believe moving makes me feel better, emotionally, keeping the ‘blues’ away.

WOD stands for “workout of the day”.

Everybody is different, and perhaps your WOD is a 30-minute walk or roll (perhaps you’re unable to walk). Perhaps you are a runner, who juggles 15-20 miles every week, or perhaps you’re in training for a distance race and your mileage is higher. Perhaps you’re a cyclist who spends time in your bike saddle during the spring, summer and autumn, and religiously hit the gym for more miles during the winter months. I’m not a personal trainer or a fitness expert, but my life experience has helped me find a WOD routine that works well for me and my personal well-being. I combine yoga, hiking, running/jogging and a WOD schedule including assorted exercises that I learned while I was involved with a crossfit style gym. I have added a WOD app to my phone and follow WOD pin boards on Pinterest to keep my workouts interesting. The thing I absolutely love about what I learned from my crossfit experience is that I can work much, much harder than I thought I could, and that kind of workout feels great (to me).

Here’s an example of a WOD

:60 plank

50 squats

50 mountain climbers

50 lunges (per leg)

3 song dance party

60 reverse lunges (per leg)

:30 side plank (per side) – repeat 3-5 times

40 burpees

30 sit ups

150 jump rope jumps


a Day

Keeps the Blues Away!

By Jenn Ryan

30 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | November 2016