Re: Autumn 2016 | Page 79

considerable differences in terms of taxation (which are not the subject of this article). With Uber currently defending themselves in Employment Tribunal and Hermes the subject of unfavourable media attention, questions of status in the workplace are prevalent but what are the issues in these cases, how might they effect you (especially in Brighton where a company’s need for staff can be seasonal) and what should you do about it? Employees; that is those who are entitled to be given work by their company and who are obliged to accept that work; are entitled to certain legal protections such as the right to be paid at least the National Minimum/Living Wage, the right to paid holiday and the right to a redundancy payment if they are made redundant after at least 2 years employment. However where an organisation engages a self employed contractor; a person who is in business for themselves; that contractor is not entitled to these statutory rights and there are There is also a third category of staff called workers; effectively workers are those who don’t meet the legal tests of employment (usually because there is no mutual obligation as regards offering and accepting work) but who equally don’t fall into the category of self employment either. The classic example of a worker is somebody who is engaged on a zero hours contract or as bank staff. Workers have some legal protection (such as the right to paid holiday and to receive National Minimum/Living Wage) albeit not to the same extent as employees. Uber defines those who provide a taxi service to the public via their app to be ‘driver partners’ and it treats them as self employed but they are facing a legal challenge from those drivers who are asking the Tribunal to look behind Uber’s ‘doublespeak’ and formally recognise them as workers thereby entitling them to more rights. Similar cases bought by a number of bicycle couriers are pending and should reach Tribunal later this year. If Trust and confidence There is an implied obligation on both employer and employee not to act in any way that is calculated to, or likely to, breach trust and confidence. The concept of trust and confidence has developed over time through case law and can encompass a wide range of factors. While it is a mutual duty, allegations that trust and confidence have been breached are more commonly raised by an employee about the actions or behaviour of their employer. A breach of trust and confidence can be a one off act or it can be something that amounts to the last straw; effectively the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’. If an employer fundamentally breaches the obligation not to damage trust and confidence, an employee may chose to accept that breach and treat the employment contract as repudiated. That employee may then (if they have 2 or more year’s continuous employment) bring a constructive unfair dismissal claim on the grounds that they were effectively forced out of their job. Depending on the circumstances of the breach they could bring a discrimination claim, regardless as to their length of service. If an employee breaches their duty to the employer, that breach could give rise to an allegation of gross misconduct and ultimately dismissal. Examples of conduct by an employer that might amount to a breach of trust and confidence include: • making unfounded negative comments about an employee, • making it impossible for an employee to do their job (for example by giving them too much work or not responding to their requests for help with their workload), • unfairly taking disciplinary action, • exercising discretion (for example to award a bonus) in bad faith, and • using (or permitting others to use) foul, offensive or discriminatory language in the workplace. the judgements favour the individuals in these cases we can expect to see a redefining of the way staff are engaged across a number of industries. This issue of status is already pertinent to many of Brighton’s organisations that have a fluctuating need for staff due to the annual influx of tourists in the summer months meaning their need for staff varies throughout the year. The written agreement between the parties, while relevant, is not determinative of the question of status so while it is important to ensure contracts are in order, those contracts need to truly reflect the intention of the parties and the working relationship must, in reality, reflect the written agreement. If, for all intents and purposes, an individual is an employee, the act of labelling them otherwise in a written contract will not, o n its own, convince a Tribunal. If you have concerns as to status it is best to seek advice at an early stage and certainly before those concerns manifest themselves in a dispute. There may be steps you can take now to formalise your working arrangements. By Sam Dickinson An employee may be found to have breached their duty of trust and confidence if they make disparaging comments about their employer on social media or falsely claim sick pay. Acting reasonably and in an even handed manner at all times is the key to ensuring trust and confidence isn’t breached. Employers would be well advised to ensure that they have up to date antiharassment and anti-discrimination procedures, ensure these procedures are updated regularly and ensure that they are communicated to all staff and enforced where necessary. A written disciplinary and grievance policy is imperative and managers should be given training so they know how to deal with such matters in order to stop those small niggles (that are present in all workplaces) becoming big Tribunal claims. Employees are well advised to use the policies that are available to them and put any concerns they may have in writing at an early stage. By Sam Dickinson 77