RBM 2018 1 | Page 65

Book Spotlight and Author Interview
It used to be pretty fast ( I wrote a 120K-word novel in three months ), but since starting a day job of 40 hours a week , it ’ s much , much slower . And then there ’ s beta reading , editing , revising , etc . It can take quite some time . I finished writing the sequel to my published book back in September , and I ’ m still editing it now .
Computer ( Scrivener to write , Word to edit ), iPad with wireless keyboard when I ’ m out , and notebooks depending where in the story I ’ m at .
Writing is one . I also create book covers , and like doing that quite a bit . Watching TV shows , playing Minecraft with my kid , gaming , some movies ( Marvel fan ). I used to relax while playing / petting my pets , but I ’ ve been living in a no pet rental house for over two years , and that ’ s pretty depressing .
Tom Hiddleston . Honestly , I ’ d love to sit down , and just have a cup of tea with him while just chatting about everything and nothing . I feel like he ’ d be pretty cool to hang out with .

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