RAPPORT, Volume 2, Issue 1 RAPPORT Issue 1 version4FINALSO | Page 22

Figure 4 Purpose of Badge Implementation
Main questionnaire After the response from the June 2015 survey , it was clear that a larger investigation of this topic would be useful to the UK HE educational community .
The purpose of the survey was to try to attain a greater understanding of the use of Open Badges across educational institutions , and to find out how much of the use was driven by academics or by e-learning teams . There was branching applied to the questionnaire . This allowed for tailoring of the questions dependant on the answers provided : for example , asking academics further questions relating to their use of badges with their students .
The distribution of the survey was carried out in the same way as above , but it was also sent out to the Europortfolio network by the Centre for Recording Achievement 17 .
UK 60 US 9 Germany 7 France
4 each
Republic of Ireland Austria Australia
3 each
Denmark Poland Spain Canada Finland Malaysia
2 each
New Zealand Serbia Slovenia Switzerland Argentina Belgium Croatia Indonesia Italy
1 each
Lithuania Mexico Nicaragua Sweden Turkey
Fig . 5 Survey 2 respondents : country of origin ( n = 123 )
We had 123 responses to the survey from 27 different countries . 60 ( 48 %) of the responses were from the United Kingdom , 41 ( 33 %) were from the rest of Europe , and 22 ( 18 %) were from outside Europe ( figure 5 ).
17 http :// www . recordingachievement . ac . uk /