RAPPORT, Volume 2, Issue 1 RAPPORT Issue 1 version4FINALSO | Page 17

RAPPORT WWW.RECORDINGACHIEVEMENT.AC.UK Issue 1 (2017) Version 2 (‘structured’): This version requires that a minimum of standardisation is introduced at the start. This involves identifying and documenting the ePortfolios in use in the different areas and agreeing on a set of areas. A step further could include designing templates for students to use in the different areas. At the end of the year, a sample would be selected representing different levels of attainment (this is a difference with version 1). Content analysis to identify aspects of input and process identified by the students, in a similar way as in version 2. at an institutional level. Further development work may be necessary before a methodology can be implemented at institutional or subject/discipline levels. Version 3 (‘focused’): This version could take as its starting point ePortfolios in their existing form or ‘structured’ ones, but unlike version 2, it would not seek to include ePortfolios of students with different levels of attainment. Instead the criterion for inclusion in the sample would be that they depict stories of significant transformation or leaning gain. The content analysis would be similar to the ones described in versions 1 and 2. Baxter Magolda, M. B. (2004). Evolution of a constructivist conceptualisation of epistemological reflection. Educational Psychologist, 39(1), 31-42. doi:10.1207/s15326985ep3901_4 The results of the content analyses would then have to be woven into a coherent narrative that illustrates specific aspects of the TEF that an institution wants to emphasise as its main s