RAPPORT, Volume 2, Issue 1 RAPPORT Issue 1 version4FINALSO | Page 16

RAPPORT WWW.RECORDINGACHIEVEMENT.AC.UK Issue 1 (2017) Towards the end of the presentation at the joint CRA – AAEEBL Seminar last June where this paper was delivered, the audience were asked to suggest ways in which ePortfolios could provide useful information about teaching excellence using the model. Their responses were categorised and transcribed verbatim (see table 2). Table 2. Information that ePortfolios could offer about different aspects of the learning process. Input factors a. Incoming attributes, student characteristics b. Students – who they are c. Context of learning 2. Processes a. Student engagement (inc. quantitative measures of use of certain features), meaning engagement b. Experiential learning c. Levels of feedback d. Active, meaningful, collaborative and reflective learning e. Personal resonance of educational experiences, most meaningful experiences, richness of the experiences f. Support as identified by the students g. Engagement with assessment h. Co/extracurricular activities i. Ongoing assessment of learning, context of assessment j. Material in repository 3. Outcomes a. digital literacies b. employment pathways c. Outgoing attributes d. Knowledge, ideas learnt, skills (reporting, professional), awareness, motivation e. Progression/retention f. Good degrees g. Employment h. Personal development i. Learning gain – journeys j. Personal examples of achievement • • 1. As such, the potential contributions of ePortfolios are: • They offer a unique opportunity to access information regarding learners’ backgrounds (cultural, educational, etc.), their individual characteristics. They also • contain descriptions of the context of learning, as perceived by the learners. (input). They contain rich descriptions of significant learning experiences (curricular, and co/extra- curricular), the reasons for their engagement (meaningfulness), as well as the role of teaching, including support, assessment and feedback (process). Not proxis, but the real thing! They recognise and celebrate the learner’ achievements, in terms of their goals, and development. The latter often illustrate the most important changes that have happened during their studies and also the distance travelled (learning gain) when students compare what they were like at the start with what they are like at the end of the journey. They also highlight the knowledge and skills contained in institutional learning outcomes. ePortfolios describe career pathways and readiness to take up employment. These are all indicative of the degree of effectiveness/impact of teaching practices as much as the learners’ effort or engagement. (output). However, ePortfolios tend to be highly idiosyncratic in that they privilege the student’s views, not as averaged responses to questionnaires or interpreted focus groups, but their perspectives expressed as they wish to express them. Implementing use of ePortfolios in a TEF submission This exercise comprised the beginning of a conversation regarding the possible contribution of ePortfolios to the evaluation of TE which will take place as a result of the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework, particularly towards the so-called ‘narrative’ or ‘qualitative’ component of the submission which each institution will be able to make in the second year of implementation. We would like to suggest three possible versions of how ePortfolios could be used for that purpose. Version 1 (‘unstructured’): In this version, ePortfolios could be used in their present form. That is, with their current variety of structures and content across areas in an institution. The first stage would involve selecting a random sample representing all areas. The second stage would involve a content analysis performed by a small dedicated team of experts in qualitative research from different areas. The aim is to illustrate aspects of teaching excellence associated with outstanding outcomes as identified by the students in their ePortfolios. 15