RagMag April 2016 Spring 2016 | Page 5



Who currently inspires you?

Thats a big list. My partner Nick is one of the craziest skaters I’ve ever known. He combines his experience on skateboards with his short career on rollerskates and absolutely rips everything, always trying to push the sport in fun new directions. The CIB Skate Team are my absolute heroes. Each and everyone of them from the 8 year olds to the 30 something year olds rip, they throw their bodies on the line, they literally leak passion and spread it everywhere they go. There are also a plathora of what I call ‘Veterans of Vert’ who are skaters that were ripping in the 70’s and 80’s (some of which still are). Plus girl gangs all around the globe from Moxi Skate Team to Bowl Babies to Roller Skate Argentina. love seeing people push their boundaries and share their passion. Theres something about a girl gang that makes my heart happy. And then theres derby - again I could list at least 100 skaters who in my mind inspire me to

push harder every time I skate. I won’t bother to list them all but skaters like Scald Eagle, Bicepsual, Christy Demons, Snot Rocket and Sarah Hipel drive me to try harder every time I lace up.

Is there a special trick you are known for or what is your movement trick?

I don’t know if I can claim it because I’ve never landed it but I have been working on a front flip for almost six months now - mostly landing to my arse :P

Anything up and coming for Chicks In Bowls that we need to stay tuned for?

Come see the crew at RollerCon! We’re also hoping to put on meet ups around Divisional and Champs in Vancouver and Portland so stay tuned for more info! Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all sort of updates and inspiration!

Any shout outs or anything I missed that you would like to add?

A big massive thank you to the skating community. The amount of love and passion that you have all poured into Chicks in Bowls is so vital to the growth of this sport. Every Chapter, every girl gang (associated or not) helps spread the stoke for this sport and helps build more and more positive roll models for the next generation of skaters.

Tony McKay Photography
