Rachael Tamayo Crazy Love Press Kit Psychological Thriller | Page 9

1. What inspired you to start writing a Psychological Thriller? I’ve had this story, or something like it, in my head for years now. I finally decided to sit down and write it. Thrillers are my favorite things to read, and I always wanted to write them. I honestly think I was afraid to try it out at first, but after publishing three successful books, I found my nerve. 2. During the time you were writing your book in this new genre, did you have any difficulties in changing genres? The difficulty isn’t really in the genre switch for me, but in learning to plot a new type of book. There are rules to writing romance that makes it a much different writing process. When working on a thriller, pretty much anything goes…and I had to sit and let the dark side of my mind take over haha! 3. How did you come up with the title, “Crazy Love?” I honestly questioned the title the entire time. I sat and tried to come up with others but nothing else worked. It suits the book so well and so simply, it stands out against other books of this nature. This book is different, and I felt the title should be different too. 4. Was there anything you found easier than expected in writing this? Actually, yes. I expected to have a much harder time writing Noah, our lovely, crazy protagonist. He came to me so easy that maybe I should be worried…lol!! I tend to get pretty deep into my characters in order to create a realistic and deep personality. Writing him came to me way easier than I expected. Sitting back and asking myself…what would he do next? How would he feel? It all just flowed. Q&A