Rachael Tamayo Crazy Love Press Kit Psychological Thriller | Page 10

5 . Writing in a new genre , approximately how long did it take you to write your book ?
From blank page to submission ? Maybe around 6 months . I usually take breaks in the process to clear my head in order to go back and edit with fresh eyes , so this one has been sitting in my computer for about a year , but all told that ’ s about how long it took .
6 . Why did you choose to write about a mental illness called Erotomania ?”
Why ? Because I wanted to make it real . When I got the idea I immediately started doing research and stumbled on this fascinating illness . It was just perfectly Noah . There also isn ’ t really a lot in terms of fiction about it . Most Psychological thrillers like to all venture into general psychosis , schizophrenia … and the like . Not many touch on this one .
7 . What is , “ Crazy Love ” about ?
When you break it down , it ’ s realy about 3 normal people . Emily , young , fresh and happily living on her own . A strong woman . Dealing with A man that seems harmless , a stranger in every sense , just trying to be nice to the man not realizing that she makes it worse every time she smiles at him or gives him any attention . Then you have Noah , he ’ s crazy , with money . He doesn ’ t think he ’ s crazy , has more than one illness going on , and his obsession with her is acute and becomes more so as we read on . And Isaiah , the detective boyfriend . Cute , charming , and immediately his cop instincts tell him that something is off that Emily just didn ’ t notice . It ’ s different , in the way we watch Noah rationalize everything that happens . In the way that Emily just can ’ t swallow that this is all real until it ’ s too late .

Q & A