QubIT, Issue no1 Qubit, Τεύχος 1ο | Page 73

Συνέδριο: StCatsHacks 2019

Ημερομηνία: 30/11-01/12/19

Τοποθεσία: Σχολή Αγ. Αικατερίνη της Βρετανικής Πρεσβείας, Σοφοκλή Βενιζέλου 77, Λυκόβρυση

Οργανωτής: Student Hackathon

Θέμα: StCatsHacks is the first inter-school Hackathon held in Athens, Greece. High-school and university students interested in STEM will convene at St. Catherine’s British School for a two-day overnight programming competition. In teams of 4, with access to APIs and the guidance of dedicated mentors, students are called to create innovative computer programs which will be evaluated on their functionality and applicability in the real world.

Δεκέμβριος 2019

Συνέδριο: CYE - Cyber security resilience through innovation

Ημερομηνία: 02/12/19

Τοποθεσία: NEW Hotel, Φιλελλήνων 16, Αθήνα

Οργανωτής: CYE

Θέμα: Latest updates about Cyber Security Resilience Through Innovation. 3 hours short seminar providing latest updates on enterprise hacking techniques, live hacking demonstration and the modern approach to cyber assessments.