Quarterly Newsletters 2016/2017 1st Quarter Newsletter | Page 4

Goals, Plans and Vision

It is with high expectations and enthusiasm that we begin another school year, and I am excited to share with you some ambitious goals, plans and ideas. The association strives to improve your membership experience with each New Year, and with that common goal I’ve outlined below my vision for my term as NMASBO President.

My top goal is greater membership engagement and volunteer opportunities. I want the members to have an experience that excites them about being a NMASBO member. What does member engagement and volunteer opportunities mean or look like? Membership engagement and volunteer opportunities must co-exist in order to succeed. In cooperation with NMASBO staff we are developing volunteer opportunities for the membership to become more involved in the association, even if it is just a small way to begin. My goal is that each and every member that wants to volunteer and get more involved in the association is afforded that opportunity and we help make that happen. One of the opportunities I have in mind is moderating a session at one of our three major conferences. I have had the occasion to moderate some sessions at the ASBO International conferences and found it to be very easy, but a way to give back to the association and connect with colleagues in an informal way. Another opportunity might be to become a part of a conference committee. This would involve helping organize a conference and assist your colleagues as they arrive at the conference with directions, answering basic questions or just simply welcoming them to the conference. Volunteering is one of the best ways to get increased value out of your membership and really make a difference for all members. I hope we can begin this member engagement initiative as early as the Fall Conference in Santa Fe.

My next biggest goal is to manage and administer a smooth and successful transition for the replacement of our retiring Executive Director. This goal will have multiple steps over the next eighteen months to two years which will include many hours of work by the NMASBO board and staff. We have already begun this process with the development of a Transition Timeline that came out of our Strategic Planning retreat last March. The timeline is included on the right.