Quantico MCCS LIFE October Magazine | Page 25

Recreation Recreation, Information, Tickets & Tours (REC/ITT) 3500 Russell Rd, MCX, Quantico, 703-432-8850 BUS TRIP TO NEW YORK CITY - 19 NOVEMBER, 0530-1900 There is no shortage of delightful things to do in New York City in the fall. Take a stroll in Central Park, laugh at a comedy show, and enjoy a Broadway show. Visit the many popular attractions NYC has to offer such as the 9/11 Memorial, the Shopping District, and Times Square. Patrons will be able to tour and shop on their own. Tickets available at Rec/ITT. Includes round trip transportation, WiFi equipped bus, comfortable seating, and restroom aboard. Deadline to sign up for the trip is Thursday, 9 November 2017. Save the Date: Next NYC Bus Trip is 09 December Quantico Bowling Center (QBC) 2034 Barnett Ave, LH, Quantico, 703-784-2210 HALLOWEEN BOWL 29 OCTOBER, 1300-1700 Come bowl for only $10 per person, or $5 if you wear a costume. Acronym/Address List located in back of magazine. www.quantico.usmc-mccs.org 23