Quantico MCCS LIFE MKTG MAY 2019 LIFE MAGAZINE final | Page 10

FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2034 Barnett Ave., Little Hall, 703.784.2570 Must call to pre-register for all FAP courses. FAP’s mission is to promote healthy military family development through the prevention, identification, and treatment of intimate partner violence and child abuse and neglect. FAP stresses early intervention and education to protect victims and increase family competencies. Incident Determination Committee Fri, May 3, 8:15 AM - 4 PM Little Hall, FAP Classroom 2 Training fulfills MCO and IG requirements for all commanders within 90 days of assuming command, newly appointed IDC voting members, and annual refresher training requirements. Training focuses on domestic violence and child abuse prevention and the IDC process when allegations are reported to FAP. Open to all, but primarily for senior leadership and IDC participants. techniques. Weather permitting activities will be offered in a classroom and outside settings. FAP, CCP, and Semper Fit will partner to offer this event. Co-Parenting Seminar Tue, May 14, 9 AM - 3 PM TBS, Cox Hall, 2nd Floor One-day class offered for parents that are divorcing or separating. Workshop is child focused and discusses ages and stages of development and how to develop a co-parenting relationship. Within My Reach Tue, May 7, 9 AM - 4 PM TBS, Cox Hall, 2nd Floor Within My Reach helps participants attain relationship success for themselves which positively affect children as well. Curriculum covers 15 topics, which include Knowing Yourself First, Hidden Issues, Your Relationship Vision, Smart Communication, and more. Stress Management Retreat Wed, May 8, 9 AM - 4 PM National Museum of the Marine Corps One-day stress management retreat in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. Agenda includes: cognitive coping strategies to reduce stress, tips to improve sleep, nutrition, yoga, and other relaxation. COMMUNITY COUNSELING PROGRAM 2034 Barnett Ave., Little Hall, 703.784.3523 24009 Montezuma Ave., Cox Hall, West Side, 703.432.6442 The Community Counseling Program utilizes a holistic approach to assist people with overcoming some of life’s most difficult challenges such as marital issues, parent/child relationships, family issues, communication, anger management, school/work issues, adjustment issues, grief, and loss. All commands are welcome to contact the Community Counseling Program and request a presentation or workshop on topics such as, but not limited to Suicide Prevention, Emotional Resiliency, Trauma-Informed Care Training, etc. 10 MCCS | quantico.usmc-mccs.org