Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS) 2034 Barnett Ave., Little Hall, Lower Level, 703.784.0189 Email: [email protected] FOCUS is a prevention service designed to help families manage the stress that arises from the challenges of military life. The program includes the entire family and is customized to suit each family’s needs. FOCUS is offered in several formats: family consultations, family training, couples training, small group training, and workshops. FOCUS maintains strong connections with other military family services to support a network of care for families and couples. MARCH TIP OF THE MONTH It’s March and soon we will transition from winter to spring! Military families experience many transitions and it can be stressful. Sitting down as a family and talking about things that will be the same, things that will be different, and things you hope will be better can be a great activity to come together and prepare for any transition. The FOCUS program works with families to prepare for all kinds of changes including deployment, homecomings, and PCS. Don’t just get by, get stronger! Please join us on Fri, 15 Mar from 1030 to 1230 at the Marine Corps Exchange Main Store and on Mon, 18 Mar at the Base Welcome Aboard. 10