Health Promotion (HP) 2073 Barnett Ave., 703.784.3780/2869 NUTRITION CLASS Wed, 3 Apr, 1130-1230 BPAC HP CLASSROOM Learn how to improve your diet and have more energy! Topics include how to boost your metabolism and other weight management techniques. Free to DoD ID card holders. Walk-ins welcome, but registration preferred. *Nutrition classes are also available by request for interested units or offices aboard MCB Quantico. United States Department of Agriculture MYPLATE.GOV Start simple and take healthy eating one step at a time. Focus on whole fruits Vary your veggies Vary your protein routine Include fruit at breakfast! Top whole-grain cereal with your favorite fruit, add berries to pancakes, or mix dried fruit into hot oatmeal. Cook a variety of colorful veggies. Make extra vegetables and save some for later. Use them for a stew, soup, or a pasta dish. Next taco night, try adding a new protein, like shrimp, beans, chicken, or beef. Make half your grains whole grains Move to low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt Add brown rice to your stir-fry dishes. Combine your favorite veggies and protein foods for a nutritious meal. Enjoy a low-fat yogurt parfait for breakfast. Top with fruit and nuts to get in two more food groups. Drink and eat less sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Go to ChooseMyPlate.gov for more information. 16 Cook at home and read the ingredients to compare foods. MPMW Tipsheet No. 14 December 2018 Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Visit myplate.gov for valuable resources to include meal planning tools, making healthy food choices, and more!