UG Prospectus 2021 UG Prospectus 2020 | Page 16

“We benefited greatly from the Business Innovation Zone. Aside from free access to office space and equipment, we have also received advice from experts from the Business Gateway, as well as academic and support staff at Queen Margaret University.” Michal Korzonek BA (Hons) Film and Media graduate At QMU there are countless opportunities for you to hone your skills and experience, making you highly attractive to future employers and equipping you to compete in the jobs market. Another great way to strengthen your CV and enhance your time at QMU is to get involved with the Students’ Union – whether it be as a Class Rep, part of the student officer team who run the Union or by joining a sports team or society. Paid internships and other extracurricular opportunities (see pages 16 & 17) can develop your skills and confidence, helping you stand out from the crowd and enhancing your employability. Part-time or holiday employment Many students opt to obtain part-time work throughout their studies or something with more full-time hours over the summer break. Whether you want something specifically related to your studies, or just a bit of extra cash, our Careers and Employability team can provide you with information on part-time jobs and seasonal work. Due to the location of the University, there are numerous opportunities for employment in Edinburgh, Musselburgh and the surrounding areas. 14