UG Prospectus 2021 UG Prospectus 2019 | Page 101

Business Management Business is one of the cornerstones of society. Developing and managing responsible business and enterprise is key to resilient economic and social development. Recent economic turmoil has emphasised the need for sustainable business, for example businesses that are economically, community, socially and environmentally sustainable. Some of those enterprises are not ‘businesses’ in the corporate sense, but enterprises in the third sector, social enterprises, charities or family businesses. Equipping graduates to interact with a variety of business models remains key both to the development of relevant individual careers and to the development of economic prosperity at a national level. Recent evidence suggests that there is increasing demand for highly skilled managers and professionals. The Working Futures report published by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills in 2016 indicates that the UK will need 1.9 million new managers by 2024. This growing need for skills from business is due in part to the replacement of those retiring from the workforce and the anticipated growth of the UK economy. Our Business Management degrees are designed to inspire moral, ethical and sustainable practices in management to equip students to develop as managers and leaders who will make a positive contribution in the public, private and third sectors. Our Business Management degrees cover the critical business management functions of marketing, finance, human resources and operations management. However, at QMU students will find a particular emphasis placed on responsible business practices and entrepreneurship. We have offered a degree in general Business Management for many years at QMU. However, for entry in 2018 we will provide three new, more specialised exit routes. All Business Management students will study the same modules across Years One and Two where they will develop an understanding of the subject area. In Years Three and Four students will be provided with an opportunity to specialise by completing modules which are specific to their desired professional pathway. The four exit options include a BA / BA (Hons) Business Management degree in addition to three specialised routes in BA (Hons) Business Management ‘with Enterprise’, ‘with Finance’, and ‘with Marketing’. well as a plethora of emerging smaller and community-based events. Scotland’s reputation as being the ‘perfect stage’ for events is recognised at national and international levels by Even