QMU-Postgraduate Prospectus QMU PG Mini Prospectus 2019 sp | Page 81

Funding for taught postgraduate and research students
Students applying for their first master ’ s degree or postgraduate diploma from the UK are normally supported by their funding authority . We advise all students to investigate their eligibility for support at the earliest opportunity . For more information on current funding sources , including loans available to Scottish ( and EU ) English , Welsh and Norther Irish students , please see pages 81-82 .
Funding may also be available from a number of trust funds and charities . Details are available through the following website www . scholarship-search . org . uk
Postgraduate students who find themselves in financial difficulty can apply for help through the Discretionary Fund administered by QMU . Details and information on how to make an application are available from Student Services . Criteria include having exhausted all other available sources of income , financial hardship and unexpected exceptional circumstances . Priority is given to students with disabilities , lone parents , students with short-term medical difficulties and families on low income .
The most important sources of funding for postgraduate research students in the UK are the Research Councils . These bodies are government-funded agencies engaged in the support of research in different disciplines and postgraduate funding is just one part of a broad range of responsibilities . A full list of postgraduate funding opportunities is available at www . prospects . ac . uk Details of research degree funding sources can be found on our website at www . qmu . ac . uk / study-here / postgraduate-research-study / graduateschool-and-doctoral-research
For additional information for international scholarships please refer to pages 82-83 .
MORE INFO : Bill Stronach , Student Funding Adviser T : + 44 ( 0 ) 131 474 0000 E : studentfunding @ qmu . ac . uk
For advice on your fee liability , please contact : Admissions T : + 44 ( 0 ) 131 474 0000 E : admissions @ qmu . ac . uk
or Registry Officer ( Research Degrees ) T : + 44 ( 0 ) 131 474 0000 E : researchdegrees @ qmu . ac . uk