PwC's Managing upstream risk: Regulatory reform review - An asian perspective November 2013 | Page 24

2.18 Financial Products Governance The Joint Committee of the three ESAs published eight principles applicable to the oversight and governance processes of financial products. These principles cover in particular the responsibilities of manufacturers and producers in setting up processes, functions and strategies for designing and marketing financial products, as well as at reviewing the products’ life cycle and are as follows: 1. In order to minimise potential consumer detriment, avoid potential conflicts of interest, and ensure that the interests and objectives of target markets are duly taken into account, the manufacturer should establish, implement, and review on an ongoing basis product oversight and governance processes. 2. The manufacturer’s executive board should endorse the product oversight and governance processes. Senior management should take responsibility for compliance with these processes before and after the launch of a product, and should ensure that adequate records of this assessment are maintained. 3. As part of the application of its product oversight and governance processes, the manufacturer should identify the 24 Regulatory Reform Review | target market of the product; analyse its characteristics; and ensure that the product meets the identified objectives and interests of that target market. 4. The manufacturer should conduct product testing to assess how the product would function in different, likely scenarios, including stressed scenarios, to ensure that the product is aligned with the interests and objectives of, and leads to fair outcomes for the target market. 5. When setting the charges and features of the product, the manufacturer should also take appropriate steps to ensure they are transparent for the target market. 6. The manufacturer should select distribution channels that are appropriate for the target market and disclose clear, accurate and upto-date information to distributors. 7. The manufacturer should monitor periodically the functioning and operation of the product to ensure that it continues to meet the objectives and interests of the target market and should, where appropriate, review the product to ensure compliance. 8. The manufacturer should take appropriate action when issues that may lead to consumer detriment have materialised or can be reasonably anticipated.